
Noun: a gift by will especially of money or other personal property. 

Just when you think no one is watching you, or cares about what you're doing, along comes a small voice reminding you of the impact you're making. 

It's been a long while since my last post on here!! Apologies apologies. The best month of the year has arrived yet again and it's been on my heart to share regarding the legacy each of us are responsible for passing on. At the Annual District Youth Convention (Nottingham NTCG) the theme was about our purpose driven lives - exploring what our purpose is, and how to utilise this. Friday was on the panel of varying professionals: dancer/choreographers, session musicians, music producers, physiotherapists, business owners, and myself the midwife. It was inspiring to see and hear about how people each on their own journeys, had come to the place they were today. Not everyone had the straight and narrow pathway (including myself) but I believe that becomes apart of our story and what we do with that is what defines who we are. 

As part of the panel we were called up to give a little presentation about ourselves and how we got there. You know the scripture be ready in season and out of season? (Yes there is more to it than that I know) - be ready to be called upon at any time? Spoke briefly on who I am and what I do & answered one of the toughest questions - what is the hardest part of being a midwife? - the way I wanted to shout EVERYTHING!! The lost of a child very much wanted and the devastation this has will forever be the hardest part. That being said, majority of the session was then focused in on the music side of life, however all that they were asked and how they responded applies to us all. 


We all come across temptations, and situations we'd rather not be in. However it's how we respond to these that will show the rest of the world who we are (as Christians) and what we stand for. Being a nerd/geek of the group I had my life mapped out - well the professional side - school, college university then job; not realising that there will be life speed bumps and pot holes along the way. When I sat back listening to everyone else's journeys seemed more interesting than that of my own and it seems that there wasn't any point in me being up there and majority of questions were focused to them. #WoeIsMe #BlaBlaBla - be careful when we moan about because you don't know who's watching you. The session closed and it wasn't until the next day I realised that I had made an impression. 

A young lady from the district came up to me smile beaming from eye to eye, asking about midwifery and how what I had said inspired her. MATE. I nearly drop down, just when I thought no one was listening or cared about what I had to say, I had clearly got through to this one girl. The conversation was truly a humbling experience. 

The words we say or omit; are clearly heard and can impact on someone positively or negatively. Even though the definition is that of a physical entity "gift", it's what we do with our gifts that's important. Our legacy is what we will be remembered for and the next generation to continue with. 

Make yours a good one! 

Empress ever evolving. Xx

Naomi Coleman