Exercise your faith

Many times what we think of in regards to development for ourselves, is limited to what we can imagine, what is concievable through our limitations of our finances, employment status and current situations. We start with a goal in mind be it big or small, and we get excited at the thought of it and then the heavy elephant comes and sits on you. 
Doubt comes in ever so slyly, and quietly you don't even realise it has entered. You doubt the things you need to achieve what dream you have, will ever be in your possession. You speak with other people who will sometimes look at the negatives and focus in on the negative aspects of it all and have you doubting yourself again. They'll offer no positive alternative to what you're already having trouble seeing. We doubt we have enough time, along with all our other commitments [family, work, relationships, hobbies, socialising, going to the gym, and of course eating drinking and sleeping] how can we fit in working on our new goal? Yes you can.
Motivated people - have a dream, love their goal, show passion and enthusiasm, have a plan, ACTIVATE their plan stay positive and never give up. - Lynda Fields
It's time to exercise your faith. Now for myself personally being a Christian this is through firstly prayer and fasting, to ensure that this is the right thing to be doing. Others who don't share this faith it's looking to your conscience [or whomever you believe in] for the answer. And waiting for the confirmation that yes go ahead with it! 
Start easy with yourself. Plan out the tasks you can you can do, and when you can do things. What other things will you need to consider? I'm a fan of Google & Pinterest for this as other people may have done this before to some degree or something similar. Time, finance, assistance and actual WORK! 
If it's a personal development or a habit you're looking to get ready of doing - don't wait until New Years or Lent to it up. Look at what will be your drive to achieve this. Positive affirmations may help you along the way. Remember now, you can do this!

Now for the things that are a little harder, who do you know that can help? There is no shame is asking for help none of us are masters in everything in life - unless you have that clear pill from limitless! Each step will build your dream from a thought in your mind to an actual physical manifestation. Remember not every goal will be done in a day/week some will take months or even a year or so, but it will all be worth it. There's a saying - the best time to plant a tree is 10 years ago and now... Time to start planting. You can do this!
Equate your goal to that of the people you see in the gym. Everyone is at different stages in regards to their fitness levels, they all have different goals in mind. Even the biggest person started from the beginning themselves. Start off slow and sensible, grab yourself a personal trainer/assistant. Attend classes/read up on areas that are new to you. Plan out when you'll work on it and actually WORK ON IT! I have faith that whatever you put yourself to, you can do. Now you just have to believe it!
"You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." - Matthew 17:20NLT 
Time to exercise your faith!
NaeEmpress ever evolving x

Naomi Coleman