Can I count on you?
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16 KJV
I have a hard pill for you to swallow and, no amount of water is going to help you - it's beyond you.
You ready?
We are told growing up how special we are, leading some of us to think that this world revolves around us. But darling, it is beyond you. I mean, sure, you could just give up and do whatever. But deep down, each of us knows that there is a greater purpose on our lives. When you feel like you can't go on anymore, or you simply want to ‘do you’; just remember this.
Not all of us are destined to be in the big arenas, but we are all called to be faithful with the gifts that have been placed within us, even if it doesn't come with a ‘title’ or a big-big acknowledgement – (don’t be that person that just wants all the accolades). On the flip side we can choose to understand the weight that comes with what we’ve been called to live out or this frightens us - and we run like Jonah.
The amazing thing I've learnt about God is, no matter what situation we manage to tangle ourselves in - not the enemy now, we tangle ourselves - he never leaves us by ourselves. In fact, he just patiently waits for us to let Him in and help us fulfil what we are called to do. He knocks at the door and waits for our answer.
Transparency moment - I struggle with a lot of things, not everything I'll share on this platform but, there are things I've battled with for years and they're taken root and come out in different repeated behaviours. Now it wasn't until recently that I was like nope I need help with this. Where do I go next please? What do I need to do? I find myself reaching out to those who have offered in the past, to pray for me, who have my back, telling me the truth straight up and I also my amazing mentor. It's because of those vulnerable moments that I can truly bear witness to God's grace. The unmerited, undeserving, free gift of favour – all we have to do is open our mouth and ask for it!
I am one to condemn myself repeatedly and, I don't feel that I am worthy of love, of grace or forgiveness of choices I have made. I can literally spend all day telling other people of their worth and what they should entertain and shouldn't even give another second’s attention to, but when it comes to myself? Nah, I don't even bother. Now that is problem within itself.
I promised that I will try to be transparent with you as I write. So, I know I've spoken on affirmations before, and uplifting yourself. But in the season I'm facing right now I'm having to get vulnerable in the face of God, and with those nearest to me and say I'm struggling out here you know! Please help. In this space of vulnerability, it is so scary, not knowing what is coming next or even in the future. Will all this be worth it?
As we get older our friendship groups and those who we can rely on gets smaller and smaller; and it is important to look at the circle you have surrounding you. I'm thankful that my circle not only uplift me, and have my back with prayer and sound advice, but they also don't pull back on truth punches. (Is that even a thing? It is now... I'm sure you get what I'm saying.) In moments of darkness, and despair it's hard to see what is coming up, and it can feel very lonely there as well. However, knowing that there are people who genuinely understand you and want the best for you, helps shed light for us to find our way through.
Now I'm all for moments of solitude with God and it is important for these, but it is also equally important to have people around you that won't let you get yourself in a place of isolation. It's like a balancing act on a tightrope, of being there for others - remember it's beyond YOU honey - and having that time where we listen for God's voice in situations. Although it's not based on a scripture as far as I am aware, God will disrupt anything or anyone that is drawing your attention away from him.
Put your face mask on before helping others.
Proverbs 3:27
At first I used to think, hmm yeah sure, cool story - until it happened. I felt like life was just chaos all around me and I didn't even want to pray or read scripture, so I put off reading my devotionals and watched Netflix instead. I'd spend more time searching for a new series to watch instead of doing what I needed to do and then wonder why life wasn't going the way I wanted it to. I'd then get vex up with God, ready to cuss, and then I'd be gently reminded - it's beyond me. There are others that need me to be more disciplined and obedient to what God is saying to me.
Right now all I can hear is ‘Can I count on you?’ To support your sister/friend/brother/insert the relevant person's role when they are going through crises? Can I count on you to be a light in a dark place for your peers, your colleagues, your family? Can I count on you to consultant with me before you jump onto social media and ask the opinion of others before asking Me? Can I count on you to have self-control when temptation comes your way and put aside your desires for My greater good? It's only in the moments of solitude I can honestly say I hear this voice loud - and usually it's when God cuts off the communication with those who distract me or I chose to distract myself with.
We owe the world the fire of God that is burning within us - and need to step out of being lukewarm. This is hard because it's a constant internal dialogue with doing what we want to do (which comes more naturally) and choosing to step away from that and be disciplined with the help of the Holy Spirit. That includes being wiser with our time. There is a feature on my phone that literally lets you know how much screen-time you have and also how much you spend on social media, games, productivity etc. I thought I wasn't that bad surely with social media until I checked the graphs and I was surprised at the time I wasted on these applications that, I could have been putting into my spiritual life instead. Fasting, praying, meditating on the word to strengthen up. Why? Because it goes beyond you Nae (feel free to insert your name there too my darlings).
For those would have been on an aeroplane - be that a frequent flyer or not - there's a set of very clear instructions. In the event of an emergency and if there is a lack of oxygen, ‘put on your mask first before helping others’. How can we help others' in a crisis if we aren't connected to the source? The same goes spiritually, we need to connect through prayer, fasting, meditation to then effectively and efficiently help other people out. I love to help other people, most of the time - sometimes I'm just tired and want a break but, I've found that my passion is within helping others.
However, we must look at the intent of why we do, what we do. Is it for us to be a great name amongst people? For fame or fortune? This isn't a bad thing by any means, but we must look at our character as we represent the kingdom. I want to be in a place where He's pleased with me on a private level and not just what others' see publicly. Can God count on us to represent him? Can our friends and family count on us to be a support to them in their dark times, as they are with us in ours? It is so tough, but we can’t and don’t need to do it alone.
There's a world out there that needs us... Can I count on you?
Empress Nae